PRIMHD Extracts and Errors - The what, who, where and how

The PRIMHD extract process

1. �15th�of every�month - WildBamboo generates a PRIMHD extract file and submits it via a secure data transfer process (known as FTP) to the MOH on your organisations behalf.�

2. �The MOH processes the file � certain referral records may be rejected due to errors.

3. �Then the MOH:

a. Places the details of any errors back in the secure FTP folders for WildBamboo.

b. Sends your organisation (WildBamboo is cc�d) notification of this via an email that looks something like the below.

4. �Then WildBamboo:

a. Download the error outputs from the secure FTP folder.

b. Upload these results into your organisation�s Recordbase environment, which generates another automatic email�notification�something like the below from "". �It is sent to staff who have extract permission enabled on their Recordbase user role.


5. �Staff�in your organisation with the extract permissions on their user role can log into Recordbase, download the errors and make any necessary corrections to client files.

6. �Next month - we do it all again! Ideally, this month�s errors have been fixed, so they all ought to be accepted.

Where to view the PRIMHD errors

Once you receive the notification that the PRIMHD extract acknowledgement has been uploaded into Recordbase, you can view the PRIMHD extract acknowledgment for any errors.

1. �Go to Administration ->�Extracts

2. �A list of the�PRIMHD extract acknowledgement uploads will appear. The latest one will always be at the top.

Please note: If you have not looked at any previous months extracts it is a good idea to look into these as well.� Information for a client only goes to PRIMHD when there are updates that month, so an error on a discharged file could fall off the radar.

3. �Check the status in the status column, if it says:

a. �Acknowledgment uploaded� - the PRIMHD extract has been uploaded and you can check for errors.

b. �Submitted to Ministry of Health� - The PRIMHD extract has yet to be uploaded.

4. �Click on �next to the�PRIMHD extract Acknowledgement with the status��Acknowledgment uploaded� that you wish to view.

5. �The below screen will appear, click on��.

6. �Open the spreadsheet to view the errors. �Information about the errors is found under the column�Description:

Common errors and tips on fixing

Please note: The below are only the most common errors. �If you require any help in resolving other types of errors please send a request to

Incorrect Date of Birth

1. �This error is caused by the date of birth in Recordbase not matching that in the NHI database for the NHI number provided.

2. �It could be caused by either of the following:

  • Incorrect NHI number in Recordbase�-�If the NHI number is incorrect, then the validation on the date of birth will have been carried�out against the wrong person in the NHI database. �To fix the NHI number in Recordbase:
    • Edit the NHI number under personal details to the correct one.�

Please note:�When ringing the NHI help desk check that you are both looking at the same person.

  • Typo�in the�date of birth�- the typo could be in either Recordbase or the NHI database, as information in both databases is entered by human's, who are known to make typos from time to time. �To fix the date of birth:
    • If the NHI database is incorrect - GP's can fix.
    • If Recordbase is incorrect -�Edit the date of birth under personal details in Recordbase to the correct date.

Incorrect Sex

1. �The error is caused by the sex in Recordbase not matching�that in the NHI database for the NHI number provided.�

2. �It could be caused by any of the following:

  • Incorrect NHI number in Recordbase�-�If the NHI number is incorrect, then the validation on the sex will have been carried�out against the wrong person in the NHI database. �To fix the NHI number in Recordbase:
    • Edit the NHI number under personal details to the correct one.�

Please note:�When ringing the NHI help desk check that you are both looking at the same person.

  • Wrong sex - the typo could be in either Recordbase or the NHI database, as information in both databases is entered by human's who are known to make typos from time to time. �To fix sex:
    • If the NHI database is incorrect - GP's can fix.
    • If Recordbase is incorrect -�Edit the sex under personal details in Recordbase to the correct sex.
  • Sex reassignment�not updated - it may not have been updated in either Recordbase or the NHI database. �To fix sex:
    • If the NHI database is incorrect - GP's can fix.
    • If Recordbase is incorrect -�Edit the sex under personal details in Recordbase to the�correct sex.

Please note: For PRIMHD reporting sex is what a person is biologically and not what they identify as (Gender).

Incorrect NHI number

1. �The error is caused by the client having no NHI number in Recordbase, the NHI number will show as ZZZ9999 on the error spreadsheet.

2. �How to find the client/s without a NHI number in Recordbase:

  • Go to Elite Reports ->�People -> Demographics
  • Select�a�date range
  • Select the required team/s�(from the error spreadsheet)
  • From the columns dropdown�only have ticked NHI and Person name
  • Put a filter on the heading line by:
    • Click on 1 to highlight the header line.

    • Click on the Data tab
    • Click on filter
  • Click on the arrow in the NHI box
  • Deselect all by,�un-ticking "(Select All)"
  • Scroll down to (Blanks) and tick "Blanks"�
  • You should now have a list of clients without NHI numbers � � � � � � � �

3. �Update the client file with the client's NHI number.

PRIMHD service reviews - Duplicates

1. �The error is caused by there being more than one PRIMHD Service review with the same review date.

2. �Check that the reviews are actual duplicates. �

3. �False duplicates can be caused by:

  • Not changing the defaulted�review date from today to the actual review date, when backdating reviews. To fix:
    • Correct the review date.
  • Editing/overwriting�an old review with� the new reviews date, as well as creating the new review. �A clue to this having occurred - For one of the reviews, the added date will be be before the the�review date, plus there will be a modified date. The other review's added date either be the same as or after the review date. �To fix:
    • Correct the information on the overwritten review.

3. �Duplicate confirmed - You can delete the duplicate. �Please note: when choosing a review to delete, check to see if there are any differences between the answers, to prevent the wrong review being deleted.

Please note:�The easiest�way to investigate PRIMHD reviews is to run the Elite Extract report PRIMHD review complete extract. �Then filter on the client. �This allows you to easily�compare the answers between the clients reviews and see which referrals the reviews are connected to. �

PRIMHD service reviews - Date of review after the referral end date

1. �The error is caused by the review date being after the referral end date.

2. �The error could be caused by:

  • An incorrect referral end date?�


  • An incorrect review date? Please Note: the review date is defaulted to today's date, when back dating this date needs to be changed to the actual date the review was carried out. �

3. �To fix - Once it is established which date is incorrect, then edit the date to prevent the error from re-occurring.

ADOM - Date of ADOM prior to start of Referral

1. �The error is caused by the Date of collection being before the referral end date.

2. �The error could be caused by:

  • An incorrect referral start date?


  • An incorrect date of collection?�

3. �To fix - Once it is established which date is incorrect, then edit the date to prevent the error from re-occurring.

ADOM - question 7 - same response

1. �The error has occurred as the same drug cannot be listed more than once under questions 7 A-C.

ADOM - question 9 - same response

1. �The error has occurred as the same substance cannot be listed more than once under questions 9 A-C.

Activity after Client's date of death

1. �The error has occurred�as�the activity dated after the client's date of death, is coded to a activity classification other than the allowed one's for after a client has passed away.

2. �Check:

  • Is the date of the activity correct?
  • If the date of the activity is correct, is it using one of the allowed activity classifications for a client that has passed away of T08, T32, T38, T39, T40 or T41.