The cluster report is a report that provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on community services (that is, not residential or accommodation based services).
If the numbers on the report do not look correct the most likely causes are:
- Data not being recorded.
- Data recorded incorrectly.
- Data is recorded in the wrong place.
How do I find where the issue is?
1. In Recordbase select Help and�Elite guide.
- Go to Appendix D � Cluster Report Measures definitions. For each Cluster Report Measure, this section explains what data is pulled through and from where.
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- Example: If we look up the measure Face-to-face contact group, we are provided with:
- The MOH Description:
- activity coded to�T07.
- The Recordbase description and details of how things are pulled through to the report:
- Recordbase looks for the count of participants with an activity with a breakdown coded to GFTF.
- The MOH Description:
2.� Now you know what needs to be recorded, you can investigate what is actually being recorded or not being recorded. Places to start looking:
- Try drilling into the measure on the cluster report for more details.
- Example - if we drill through on the measure Face-to-face contact group,�we may spot things that look out of place for a group activity, like T-codes that are not for group activities (e.g. T43) and activities that only have one client.
- Other Elite reports can help us look further into how data is being recorded. They may help identify staff education opportunities.
- For measures that point to breakdown codes, try running either the Person Activity Details report.
- Example � to look closer at the Face-to-face contact group�measure, export one of the activity reports into a spreadsheet. Then:
- Filter on group activity breakdowns, then filter on TCodes that are not for Groups. Look at how many clients are attending the activity to determine if the activities are Group or induvial, to determine if the breakdown or TCode requires fixing on the activity.
- You can also filter on Group T-Codes, and then non-group breakdowns, to find group activities that have not picked up under the Face-to-face contact group�measure in the cluster report. Again determine if the activities are Group or individual, to determine if the breakdown or T-Code requires fixing on the activity.
- Look at the source - where the data is recorded.
- If the data is zero, is the information being recorded? Is it being recorded in the right place or with the right codes?
Tip: If you don�t already have activity templates, you may like to look into these.� They save staff time filling out activities and increase the data quality.
Common Found Issues
1. Why is the Consultation/liaison contact Zero - when there are T08 client activities recorded?
- The MOH description for the Consultation/Liaison for PMR says it is in relation to Not a current client of the service, however, it references T08, which is for a service user - this is contradictory.
- Wild Bamboo have tried to get clarification in the past from the DHB about the PMR being for Non-current client�and T08 being for a current service user.
- In Recordbase Client Activities coded to T08 are extracted out and sent to PRIMHD.
- The Cluster report as per the PMR Description looks at Non-current clients�- therefore it is set up to pick up on Activities under Account Management�that have a classification with the code CLC (see page 51 of the Elite user guide).� Account Management is used for Non-Client Activities.
2. Why is the Consultation/Liaison training sessions Zero?
- See page 52 of the Elite user guide, and the explanation for Why is the Consultation/liaison contact Zero - when there are T08 client activities?.
3. Why has the odd client's secondary ethnicity been counted�instead of their primary?
- Where a client identifies with more than one ethnicity, the MOH requires the client to only be counted once.
- The ethnicity is prioritised by the MOH standards of NZ Maori, then Pacific Islander and then Other.
- Example:� If a client's Primary Ethnicity is European and the Secondary Ethnicity is Maori, on the cluster report they will be counted under Maori only.
- See the MOH descriptions on�pages 61 and 62 of the Elite user guide.