How to fix duplicate client files

Through a data fix, we can merge the information from one duplicate client file into the other duplicate file.

Through a data fix, we can merge the information from one duplicate client file into the other duplicate file. To ensure the information is correctly merged and a smooth data fix with no errors (no errors = less cost), a bit of housekeeping is required on the files before requesting a data fix.

What you need to do when requesting a Client file merge data fix:

1. Check that the files are 100% the same client and not a client with a similar name.

  • Note: To confirm they are the same person you could check:
    • Personal details - DOB, ethnicity, addresses, phone etc...
    • The original referral documents.
    • Cross-reference the NHI database - if you have access.

2. Decide on the file to keep and the file to delete.

  • For ease of checking, change the middle name of the keep file to 'KEEP' and change the middle name of the file you want to delete to 'DELETE'.

3. The information in the green boxes below cannot be merged, as there can only be one of these items on a file. If any information is different on the delete file and it needs to be kept, please manually transfer the information to the keep file.

4. Check both files, for referrals with overlapping referral dates, into the same team - as there cannot be two referrals into the same team at any point in time.

Also, check for any referrals to different accommodation-based teams at the same time. - as, there can only be one accommodation-based referral at any point in time, regardless of the team.

  • If there are multiple referrals:
    • Decide on the referral to keep and the referral to delete.
    • If necessary, fix the date range on the referral to keep.
  • Check for anything that is connected to the deleted referral:
    • Activities
    • PRIMHD reviews
    • Outcome tools
    • Goal plans
    • Employment plans
  • What if there are things connected to the deleted referral? What is to be done is determined case by case.
    • For example, it may be as simple as manually transferring a few activities from the delete referral to the keep referral. Then delete the activities from the delete referral.
    • If it is complex and you are unsure what to do, please don't hesitate to contact for advice.

5. When the files are ready to be merged please send your request to with the following information:

  • Which client file is to be kept
  • Which client file is to be deleted
  • If there are any referrals to be deleted, the details of the referral to be deleted:

Further Information: If you would like more details on Client file merges please see the attached document Client merge data fix.