PRIMHD Extract Error - More than one Service Review with the same collection date

Once you receive the notification that the PRIMHD extract acknowledgement has been uploaded into Recordbase, you can view the PRIMHD extract acknowledgment for any errors.

Error: More than one Service Review with the same collection date

The error is caused by there being more than one PRIMHD Service review with the same review date.

Check that the reviews are actual duplicates. �

False duplicates can be caused by:

  • Not changing the defaulted�review date from today to the actual review date, when backdating reviews.
  • Editing/overwriting�an old review with the date of the new review, as well as creating the new review. �A clue to this having occurred - For one of the reviews, the added date will be before the review date, plus there will be a modified date. The other review's added date either be the same as or after the review date.

To fix:

  • Correct the review date on the review.

Actual Duplicates - You can delete the duplicate. �

Please note: when choosing a review to delete, check to see if there are any differences between the answers, to prevent the wrong review being deleted.

Please note:The easiest�way to investigate PRIMHD reviews is to run the Elite Extract report PRIMHD review complete extract. �Then filter on the client. �This allows you to easily�compare the answers between the clients reviews and see which referrals the reviews are connected to.