Activity templates

Many teams perform the same activities regularly on a day-to-day basis, and it can be tedious to have to enter the same information repeatedly. Recordbase has 3 options available for template use.

General activity templates

General activity templates take you to the activity screen where you are required to fill out all the appropriate information and click Add.�


These are activity templates that can be created by your organisation's superuser and include information such as the subject, the start time etc.

When you select it, you will then be taken to the standard activity screen but some or all of the required information will already be filled in for you based on the way the template is set up.

For more information on setting up templates, ask your superuser or contact the Wild Bamboo Support Team.

Group activity templates

The group activity template allows you to record an activity, which involves more than one client, you enter the information once, and have it copied to the record of all attendees. This is very useful for those organisations that provide services on a group basis.