What is a KPI?
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator � a performance measurement intended to evaluate the achievement (or progress toward achievement) of specific, strategic organisational goals. Continuous assessment of KPIs provides insights into performance and highlights potential areas of improvement.
What is a dashboard KPI?
In Recordbase, a dashboard KPI is pretty much what you'd expect � a KPI that shows up right on your dashboard! When enabled, dashboard KPIs appear in their very own widget, the aptly-named dashboard KPI widget, at the bottom left corner of a user's Recordbase dashboard.
We figure most users spend at least a few moments on the Recordbase dashboard every day, which makes it a great place to provide a simple summary of how they're tracking against specific organisational KPIs. After all, regular visibility makes it much easier to monitor how you're doing � and hey, if you need to make some course correction, the KPI drill through can take you directly to individual client records!
KPIs are very specific�
Here's the thing about a KPI though: it's really very specific. What's important to another organisation may not be important to yours. What's important to your frontline support workers may not be important to your team leaders or regional managers, and what's important to your vocational contracts may not be important to your ACC contracts.
�and so are Recordbase dashboard KPIs
Because KPIs are so specific, we have to develop them individually and with great precision; this means that we generally cannot make changes mid-development. This is why it's so important that we agree to a concrete specification before we start work � and why any adjustments to scope will almost certainly incur additional costs.