
Creating/Editing referrers requires the referrers management permission.

Please contact your organisation's Recordbase administrator to make changes or grant you permissions.

Referrers are other organisations that either refer a client to the organisation or program or the organisation refers a client too, to gain additional support.

Create a referrer

Referrers are created by going to Settings and Referrers

Here you can either add a new referrer or edit existing ones


Select Add to add a new referrer and fill out the details as required


You can select the teams that the referrer can be used in and when creating a new referral for the team the referrer will be able to be selected. When selecting a team you can

  • Select the organisation to select all teams
  • Select the area to select all teams in the area
  • Select individual teams

From the list of referrers, you can also edit existing ones and assign them to new teams or change any of the details for them.

Removing a referrer from Recordbase

To remove a referrer, the referrer first needs to be removed from all of the teams that it is currently assigned to. To do this Edit the referrer and unselect all teams from the referrer.

Save the changes and then Edit the referrer again. This time a delete option is displayed at the bottom of the screen.


Team configurations

You can also add referrers to a team in the team configuration windows.

Select the team you want to change from the Team configurations page or while setting up a new team and in the team view page, you can add any referrers that have been previously created and not already assigned to the team.
