Working with a client record


Below is a picture of the Client screen. The default menu item selected is the Dashboard. In the sections below each part of the screen and the menu items are described.

Client Status

The client status is a summary of all the referrals that a client has and is based on the referrals that you have access to in combination with hospitalisation and absences.

Menu items

Within the client record, a large amount of information is held. This can be accessed through the menu items described on the left-hand side of the screen. Some menu items may be hidden based on the permissions that your organisation has chosen, and some may be named differently. Refer to your Recordbase internal champion for further clarification. The possible menu items are:

  • Dashboard
  • Personal details
  • Health
  • Referrals
  • Risks
  • Activities
  • Notes
  • Personal Plans
  • Goal Plans
  • Medical Tests
  • Tasks
  • Attachments
  • Outcome Tools
  • Reports
  • MyRecord
  • Employment Plans
  • Employment History
  • Education
  • Direct Messages
  • Interactions
  • Shared information
  • Foster Care
  • Alerts
  • Protocols

Within Recordbase there are certain commands that have the same effect on each screen. These commands are:

  • View � This allows you to view the item the button relates to without making any changes.
  • New � Create a new instance of whatever widget/screen you are in.
  • Edit � Amend the screen/widget that you are currently selecting. Not all users have edit functionality as of right.
  • Save � Saves any changes or edits you have made to that screen.
  • Remove � Removes the entry in question but usually it is retained under a historical tab.
  • Cancel � Exit the screen/widget without saving any changes.
  • Delete � Deletes the item in the screen/widget that you are using. Not all users have the delete functionality as of right.

Unless there is a non-standard process the step-by-step instructions of using the above commands will not be listed.