

In this screen, you can identify and record a client's known risks and appropriate management.
A risk is information that caseworkers need to know regarding a client and come under categories such as allergies, other medical conditions or early warning signs for mental health issues.

Significant risks can be identified by setting an alert flag from within the Risks screen. These alerts are identified as a red notification on the client�s record screen as well as a red highlighted alert tag in the caseload report. Clicking the red note on the clients� screen will display Risk Alert details in a pop-up window for quick reference. The Alert Flag can only be set by users with the Risks>Admin permission.

It is important to note the difference between reviewing a risk and editing a risk. Edit is changing details already recorded against a risk while reviewing the risk is the act of assessing the current status of the risk.

Risks can be identified as either current or historic in order to assist staff to assess the immediate impact of the risk. If more than one risk exists, they are listed, and a search can be done using the search filter at the top of the page if necessary. You can view all previous reviews for an individual risk in order to understand changes over time and allow an assessment of any trends. Risks can be categorised as either Current, Historic or Deleted and are displayed under these categories on the risk screen
