Recordbase User Guide
- Referrals
- Personal details
- Protocols
- KPIs
- Managing your user account
- Medications and Prescribing
- My Graphs
- Employment History
- Personal Plans
- Outcome Tools
- Notes
- Activities
- Supported Employment
- Goal Plans
- Incident Management
- Finding and browsing clients
- Risks
- Recordbase Screens
- Foster Care Support
- Account Management
- Education
- Medical Tests
- ACC injury claims
- Accessing Recordbase
- Reports
- Health
- Attachments
- The Client Record
- Interactions
- Alerts
- Tasks
Recordbase Administration Guide
Recordbase Elite Reports Guide
Recordbase Product News and Updates
Help Center
How tos
The notes section includes all client-specific notes made in other sections of Recordbase, such as Activities, Goal Plans, Medical Tests, Medication, Tasks, Supported Employment Activities, and Supported Employment
The Notes section is useful for reviewing all clients' notes in a single location. Regardless of the screen, you are in, the process for managing notes is the same.
You can also create standalone notes in the Notes section, which should be reserved for quick client record updates.
Notes, by default, are related to the client. Therefore, the Note is not secured against a referral team and can be viewed by any caseworker associated with an open referral team.
Notes can be secured against a specific team by adding the team from the Secured against dropdown menu when the note is created or edited. Only the teams the user has access to are available to select. If the caseworker is whitelisted for the client and does not have any access to teams, then this list will be empty. The Note will not be visible to caseworkers who do not have access to the team the Note was secured against.