Medications and Prescribing


The medications section on the client screen is where the clients� current medications are recorded, and where new medications can be noted and prescribed. Recordbase enables clinicians to record dosage details, interactions, side effects and allows the practitioner to make comments and observations against each medication.

The system contains a comprehensive list of available drugs, dosages and brands, sourced � for our New Zealand clients � from the New Zealand Universal List of Medicines website which is updated monthly and is the official source for drug information in New Zealand (

Recordbase allows you to create prescriptions for any medications that are not �discontinued� or �custom�. Repeat prescriptions are now easily created and edited, and the whole medications and the prescribing screen is backed by the security of a full audit log.

Currently, Recordbase does not allow you to prescribe Controlled Drugs (CD�s).
The creation of prescriptions and medication records is security-controlled functionality in Recordbase (i.e. it is not available by default to all users). Your friendly Recordbase administrator/superuser can give you the requisite permissions if these screens are not visible to you.