Employment plan screen

The employment plan screen consists of various tabs, Tasks, Activities, Notes, Work Preferences, Vocational Activities and Outcome. It is important to note that if this employment plan has been created to support a client's existing job then Work preferences will not be displayed as a tab option.

Employment plan details

The top panel lists the details of the employment plan (e.g. the start date, current status). It also has several buttons on it. A progress bar is also displayed, which indicates how long each phase took in days; this is illustrated in different colours. The following table provides a brief description of each button in the top section of the client employment plan.

The available options will depend on your role within the organisation.

The employment plan screen contains six different tabs; Tasks, Activities, Notes, Work preferences (except when supporting a client in existing employment), Vocational activities and Outcome. The following is an explanation of each tab.