The medication screen is broken into two distinct, but related halves.
The top half of the screen � �Medications� � is the list of medications that the selected client is currently taking or has taken at some point in time.
The list can be filtered to display only Active medications (i.e. those which the client is currently taking � this is the default), Discontinued medications (i.e. Medications that the client was taking at some stage but is not currently), Deleted medications (i.e. Medications that have been deleted from the patient record for whatever reason), and All, which combines all the above.
Controlled drugs are clearly marked with the highlighted text �Controlled� next to the medication name. These can be either medication that the client has been prescribed in another system or medications that have been prescribed in Recordbase already.
Each line has a View button, click this to see more details about the corresponding medication.
Prescription History
The bottom half of the screen � �Prescriptions� � is a list of all prescriptions that have been created for this client. The date the prescription was created for non-controlled medications, or entered for controlled medications is listed, along with the person who created the prescription and the medications that were prescribed.
Each line has a View button which allows you to view more detail about each prescription.