Viewing/printing/editing/deleting an Outcomes tools record

To view an outcome tool, from the client screen click Outcomes Tools on the left-hand side menu.

  • Select from the drop-down list the tool you wish to view. This will give you a summary list of the tools that have been completed under that heading.
  • Click View beside the tool instance you wish to review.
  • This will then show you the tools questions and answers.
  • If you wish to Print, then select the Print link at the top right-hand corner. This will open an in-browser PDF document which you can then print.
  • To Edit scroll to the bottom of the summary page and click the Edit link. This will take you back to the input of the outcomes tools and you can amend the answers to questions. You can only edit outcome tools that you have created. A user with Admin permission can edit all outcome tools. We do have an option where any users can edit particular outcome tools. This needs to be enabled by Wild Bamboo Support on a case by case basis. Please contact us to discuss this further.
  • To delete, on the summary screen scroll to the bottom of the page and click Remove.