When assisting a client with finding a new job, the employment plan consists of three distinct phases and the order of these is as follows:
- Planning and Preparation
- Job Search
- Placement Support.
If a client is already engaged in paid employment and requires support, the employment plan consists of one phase only, which is placement support.
The Phases explained
Each of these phases has a specific duration, specified in days, which is defined by your organisation through the employment plan template. You can advance the phase before the end of the duration of the phase. If the phase has not been advanced before the end of the duration, then it will show as overdue.
Employment consultants can roll back employment plan phases. Plans are easily rolled back from Placement support to Job search or Job search to Planning and Preparation phases.
Note: All tasks specific to the last phase are cancelled when the employment phase is rolled back.
Clients may have more than one employment plan running simultaneously, however, each employment plan needs to link to a specific referral. A referral may have multiple employment plans associated with it. Ideally, there should only be one employment plan at a time as each employment plan should lead to an outcome of a job.
Planning and preparation
This phase is about finding out detailed information about a client; e.g. the client's current situation, job aspirations and where they would like to work. During this phase, you will find out their work preferences, build up a CV and gather references. Various time-dependent tasks will be assigned to this phase to ensure the client's employment journey is managed effectively. You will find additional information about tasks later in this section.
Job search
This phase pertains to assisting the client in finding paid employment. During this job search phase, you will typically work with your client to find paid employment using job search websites, situations vacant advertisements in newspapers, and account (employer) contacts. Various time-dependent tasks will be assigned to this phase to ensure the client's employment journey is managed effectively. You will find additional information about tasks later in this section.
Placement Support
Once a client has secured paid employment, you can advance the employment plan to the last phase or if this is a plan for an existing job then the employment plan will go directly to this phase. This phase is about supporting a client for a set number of days, as defined by your organisation when they first start their job.