Incident Management


Recordbase has a health and safety module attached to it. This gives you the ability to record incidents, complaints and near misses in a centralised system. As with all parts of Recordbase you are able to have different levels of access depending on your organisation requirements.
When you first click the Health and safety tab, the default view is that all Pending incidents that you have been involved in (either as the originator or through the other roles) are displayed.
Incidents can be moved between the different stages by a user who has enough permissions to do so.

The Health and safety tab consists of three panels:



You can search for incidents by typing data into the search box. Various searches are supported, currently, Recordbase will search for the text you type into the search box in the following fields:

  • Incident number,
  • Incident subject,
  • Client name associated with the incident (in any role),
  • Staff name associated with the incident (in any role).

Click Go to start your search. Incident numbers are unique and are assigned automatically by Recordbase. If search results have been found, they will be displayed on the right-hand side of the Health and safety tab. Only those incidents you have access to will be displayed in the search results.

Administrators have access to all incidents which in a larger organisation can make searching for incidents that they are involved in difficult. To search and view only incidents you are involved in, click on the �Only my incidents� link.


A handy tree view, on the left-hand side in the Browse panel, lists all those incidents you have access to, grouped by their statuses, dates or risk assessment. For example, to view all incidents reported in the last 60 days, you would click Last 60 days under the Reported date grouping.


Whether you search for a specific incident number or you use the Browse panel, the panel on the right-hand side of the Health and safety tab will provide you with a list of incidents that match the criteria you are looking for. Left-click the incident to open and view it.