The table below provides a brief description of the purpose of each report.
Note: Depending on your organisation's configuration, some of these reports may not be available or produce any information.
People Reports
Report Name | Definition |
Age bands |
The age of the client is calculated as at the end date of the report, if the report is run with an end date of 2 months ago, the report will calculate the age of the client at that time. Age is in full years only and does not round the value to the nearest age. For the age band measures the client will be counted 1 in a measure if their age is inclusive of the bands ages, as at the end date specified in the reporting period. Note: Only clients with an accepted referral status within the reporting period for the team(s) selected will display on this report. Clients in multiple selected teams or those that have multiple caseworkers, mental or physical health conditions and substances will display in a row for each. |
Demographics |
This report displays a client’s demographic data as selected in the column picker. Organisations that have customised fields and unique references numbers data will be available in this report. Note: Only clients with an accepted referral status within the reporting period for the team(s) selected will display on this report. Clients in multiple selected teams or those that have multiple caseworkers, mental or physical health conditions and substances will display in a row for each. |
Diagnosis |
The report will display current Mental and Health conditions, not the conditions that were present at or during the reporting period. If the client has no mental or physical health conditions the field will display as a blank. Note: Only clients with an accepted referral status within the reporting period for the team(s) selected will display on this report. Clients in multiple selected teams or those that have multiple caseworkers, mental or physical health conditions and substances will display in a row for each. |
Ethnicity |
The report will display current Ethnicities not those that were present at or during the reporting period. If the client has no Ethnicity data it will display as “Not set” on the report. Note: Only clients with an accepted referral status within the reporting period for the team(s) selected will display on this report. Clients in multiple selected teams or those that have multiple caseworkers, mental or physical health conditions and substances will display in a row for each. |
Gender |
The report will display the current gender not the gender that was present at or during the reporting period. Note: Only clients with an accepted referral status within the reporting period for the team(s) selected will display on this report. Clients in multiple selected teams or those that have multiple caseworkers, mental or physical health conditions and substances will display in a row for each. |
By Caseworker |
The report will display the caseworker(s) that are current during the reporting period, future dated caseworkers will not display regardless of the reporting period. If the client has no caseworker data it will display as “Not set” on the report. Note: Only clients with an accepted referral status within the reporting period for the team(s) selected will display on this report. Clients in multiple selected teams or those that have multiple caseworkers, mental or physical health conditions and substances will display in a row for each. |
Person Task |
Provides a list of all of the tasks for a client where the task was created within the reporting range. Displays data for clients who were “in service” during the reporting period. |
Referrer |
Display a list of all the clients with a referral in ‘accepted’ or ‘pending’ status within the report date range. |
Client length of stay |
Displays all of the clients who have a current referral in ‘accepted’ during the date range of the report. It calculates the number of ‘Nights’ that the client was in the accepted state during the report date range. If the report is run for 1 month from 1-Nov-2010 to 30-Nov-2010 all the clients in the referral for the whole month will show as 29 ‘Nights’. A client who enters the referral on the 10th of November will show as 19 ‘Nights’. A client who is discharged on the 16th will show 16 ‘Nights’. |
Referral Status |
This report lists all of the referral statuses that were current or changed during the reporting period. For example, a client whose referral was status was pending in January, changed to accepted on 10th February and discharged on 20th of February will show on a February month report as Pending, Accepted and Discharged because they were pending at the start the month and also changed status during the reporting period. If the reporting period was 10th to 20th of February, only the accepted and discharged status would show. |
Outbound Referrals |
Provides a list of all outbound referrals where the status was created or changed during the reporting period. Displays data for clients who were “in service” during the reporting period. |
Discharge Reason |
For all of the clients who were discharged from a referral (based on the date of discharge) within the report date range and provides a list of the discharge reasons |
Discharge by Month |
This is a trending report designed to be run over many months or years. For all of the clients who were discharged from a referral (based on the date of discharge) within the report date range, group the discharges by calendar month. |
Person Activity Summary |
Provides a list of the activities for a service user including the Activity Duration, Type and Classification. This report can be used to get a summary of the support hours provided during activities at a high level. This report is from the service user’s point of view and shows activities for the client. This is not referral based and therefore all activities for the client are included. |
Person Activity Details |
Provides a list of the activities with a detailed breakdown of the Contact and Non-contact actions. For each activity this report identifies both the direct (contact with client) and indirect (non-contact with client) actions, listing the descriptions and time in minutes of those actions. This report can be used as a detailed listing to support the summary figures provided in the cluster reports. This report is from the client’s point of view and shows activities for the client. This is not referral based and therefore all activities for the client are included. |
Activity by Attendee |
This report shows the contact that each support workers has had with clients through activities. For each case worker who is a participant in an activity this report provides a list of the activities they have been involved in for the clients. For each activity this report identifies both the direct (contact with client) and indirect (non-contact with client) actions, listing the descriptions and time in minutes of those actions. If an activity involves two support workers and one client, the client will be displayed in the list of each support worker. |
Contract Service Use |
Provides a summary of the client activity from a contract point of view. It includes the activities of the clients within the reporting period who were in a referral during the reporting period, whether that referral was pending, accepted or even discharged in the reporting period. An activity added to a discharged referral will not be displayed in this report. |
Contract Service Use with Travel time |
This report is similar to the Contract Service Use report and includes the service user’s activities and specifically reports the travel time of the activities. Provides a summary of the client activity from a contract point of view. It includes the activities within the reporting period, whether that referral was pending, accepted or even discharged in the reporting period. An activity added to a discharged referral will not be displayed in this report. |
Supported Employment - Placement and Support Details |
This provides details for service users in paid employment for supported employment services. It includes all service users and their employment plans that are in the third phase of the employment plan process during the date range of the report. The report uses the ‘Number of Hours’ per week recorded on the outcome to calculate the average hours per week worked. It also includes the average number of support hours where there are no activities. |
Outcome Tools Reports
Report Name | Definition |
Outcome Tools Reports | The reports in this section show various assessments for all clients referred to into the team selected, that were recorded in the reporting period. |
Report Name | Definition |
Incident by Quarter |
Provides a high level summary of the incidents that have been recorded with a ‘date occurred’ within the selected calendar year, regardless of their current state. It provides an indicator of which quarter within the calendar year the incident occurred.
Incident by Area |
Provides a high level summary of the incidents that have been recorded with a ‘date occurred’ within the reporting range, regardless of their current state. It focuses on the incident category and incident type by area.
Risk Assessment |
Provides a high level summary of the incidents that have been recorded with a ‘date occurred’ within the reporting range, regardless of their current state. It focuses on the assessment of an incident calculated from the Severity and Likelihood.
Report Name | Definition |
Accepted Client List |
Provides a list of the service users who were accepted in a service on the report date specified. The report can be run for a team, area or organisation and will only list the client once no matter how many accepted referrals they have.
Activity Data Quality |
To support Managers and Data Quality staff with proving or improving the quality of activity information this report has been designed to highlight patterns in activity data entry. It will include all users who have entered activities where the activity start date or end date is during the reported period. For each user it will list five figures
To view more information about the activities that make up the figures click the link to see the lines of details. The detail provides basic information of the activity to allow you to find the activity in the system. It only includes the first participant for group activities. Activities entered with a future date will show as negative on the report. The report will only include the activities for clients the user has access to see. Therefore 2 users with access to different teams will see different results when running this report. |
Client Contacts |
The Client Contacts report displays contacts (e.g. next of kin, doctor, brother etc) as recorded in the personal details, contacts widget for all active clients on a specific date. |
Clinical Summary |
The Clinical Summary report contains many key performance measures regarding client case load and referrals.
Referrals - Number of referrals by status received during the reporting period. Case workers assigned - displays the number of referrals with or without a case worker in each referral status. Days in referral status - displays the number referral days for each referral status during the requested date period. Absences - displays the number of clients hospitalised or absent during and at the end of the reporting period. Client caseload per user - displays the number of clients assigned per user during the reporting period. Discharge reasons - displays the number of discharges for each discharge type during the reporting period.
Goal Action |
This report is designed to show people that have had an open referral during the reporting period. It is further restricted to only show people that have goals defined. For each person it will show the persons’ details, their Personal Plans and detailed information on each Goal and Goal Action. If the client has no actions assigned to the goal plan - the column "Action" defaults with the data "No actions assigned”. The report will show all people in the selected team(s), all their goals related to the selected team(s), and any goals that have no related referral. It will also show any people not in the selected team(s) who has had a goal related to the selected team(s); this is helpful to locate mismatches for client teams and goals. For the goals listed in the report, the report will group the goals under the personal plans. If the goals the people that are not related to a personal plan the report displays "No personal plan assigned" in this column. The case worker column will display all current case workers listed in the dashboard for the reporting period. A service start date is displayed; which is the most recent service (pending referral date) start date within the date range. If a person has been in and out of service (episode of care) more than once in the period only the most recent will be displayed. If the person has multiple open referrals - it will display the (continuous) referral with the earliest start date.
Goal Plan Statistics |
The Goal Plan Statistics report provides the number of new, cancelled, completed, active and overdue goal plans during the reporting period. The goals are shown grouped by Personal Plan (where applicable), and by Person. The report will show all people in the selected team/s that have been active during the reporting period. If the person has no goals, there will be a single line with 0 counts. The report displays the data on individual rows per personal plan. If the person has no Personal plan assigned to the goal plan - the column "Personal plan" defaults with the data "No personal plan assigned. A service start date is displayed; this will be the most recent service (pending referral date) start date within the date range. If a person has been in and out of service (episode of care) more than once in the period only the most recent will be displayed. If the person has multiple open referrals - it will the (continuous) referral with the earliest start date. |
Risk |
Displays all risks for clients who had active referrals within the date range based on the selected team |
Smoking cessation |
Smoking cessation is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. Four smoking cessation indicators have been selected for the Northern Region Mental Health and Addictions Non-Government Organisations to align with the health targets in primary and secondary care, and to help integrate the ABC approach to smoking cessation (Ask, provide Brief advice and offer Cessation support) into standard clinical practice. The four indicators facilitate sector-wide monitoring, and comparison with other health sectors, as well as allowing organisations to evaluate their own provision of smokefree support to clients. |
Used for PMR reporting/quarterly reporting
Report Name | Definition |
Cluster A – General Community Services |
Cluster A is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on community services (that is, not residential or accommodation based services). For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report
Cluster B – Inpatient Services |
Cluster B is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on inpatient services. For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report.
Cluster C – |
Cluster C is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on residential or accommodation services. For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report.
Cluster G – Dedicated Methadone Treatment |
Cluster G is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on residential or accommodation services. For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report.
Cluster H – Community Acute /Respite Services
Cluster H is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on residential or accommodation services. For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report.
Cluster I – Dedicated Day Programme Services
Cluster I is a specifically designed report which provides certain measurements required for contract reporting of Healthpac (Performance Monitoring Returns) in New Zealand. The counts provided use calculations based on residential or accommodation services. For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report.
Report Name | Definition |
DIAS - Disability Information Services |
This is a Ministry of Health DIAS Performance Monitoring Return report that require the service to report at six monthly intervals on request for information (telephone, face to face visits, fax and email). For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report. This is a Ministry of Health DIAS Performance Monitoring Return report that require the service to report at six monthly intervals on request for information (telephone, face to face visits, fax and email). For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report. This is a Ministry of Health DIAS Performance Monitoring Return report that require the service to report at six monthly intervals on request for information (telephone, face to face visits, fax and email). For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report. This is a Ministry of Health DIAS Performance Monitoring Return report that require the service to report at six monthly intervals on request for information (telephone, face to face visits, fax and email). For each report measurement displayed you can click the line item to show the drill through report for the details behind the figure in the measurement. Please see the Appendix section of the Elite guide for the detailed description of the measurements contained in this report. |
Report Name | Definition |
Supported Employment - Service Measure |
The Service Measure report is designed for organisations running Supported Employment services. It contains 5 key performance measures below:
Statement of Outcomes |
The Statement of Outcomes report is designed for organisations running Supported Employment services. It contains many key performance measures regarding client case load, referrals, organisational effectiveness, productivity and other IPS related indicators. See Appendix for additional information. |
Report Name | Definition |
Transition Service Measure |
The Service Measure report is designed for organisations running Vocational Services. It contains 6 key performance measures:
This extract will display all accepted clients for the teams selected. |
Transition Student Details |
This report is designed for organisations with Transitional Services aiming to assist young people to make the transition from school into further education, training or employment. The extract will display all accepted clients for the teams selected. |
Vocational Service Measure |
The Vocational Service measure report is a specially designed report for organisations running Vocational Services. To be included in the report clients must have been active, with an accepted referral status in one or more of the selected team(s) within the reporting period. The team selector will display all teams the user has access to. The client must also have an open employment plan during the reporting period. It contains 6 key performance measures:
Child and youth mentoring programme |
This report is designed for organisations that the Ministry of Social Development contracts with to provide Mentoring programmes to children and young people. |
Account Management
Report Name | Definition |
Account Activities |
Displays details about all account activities which occurred within the given date range. |
Report Name | Definition |
ADOM extract |
This is an extract of all ADOM collections that occurred within the reporting period where the client also had a referral to one of the teams selected that was open within the reporting period. Only the current (version 2) ADOM data is included in this extract, all previous versions are ignored. |
Out of Gate monthly reporting |
The Out of Gate report is a specially designed report which provides client demographic information (offender details) for contract reporting to the Department of Corrections in New Zealand. The report shows all active and inactive clients in the selected team/s who were in a referral within the reporting period. The ‘Date Referral Received’ column displays the accepted referral date, so for clients with no accepted date (eg. a pending or waitlisted referral status), this column will be blank. Clients in the selected team(s) that have a discharge date within the reporting period will display. At this stage, the following three performance measures are excluded from this report:
These measures may be added in a later release of Recordbase. |