Measure: Admissions
Frequency: Monthly
MOH Description
The number of people admitted to the residential/inpatient service during the reporting period. The number of unique clients who have had an inpatient admission within the reporting period. Admission = first activity start date within the referral.
Recordbase description
Count each client that was accepted within the period. If a client has been discharged and accepted back into the same team multiple times in the month, only the first referral will be counted (and displayed in the drill through report).
Measures and details
- An Admission is a unique count of accepted referrals for individual clients that have an accepted referral date within the reporting period.
- People accepted and discharged on the same day are included in the report.
- This report will only show the first admission within the month - unique clients.
- If a client is in multiple teams – and has had ‘admissions’ for multiple teams, depending on if the teams are of the same code or not and if the user has selected the split by team code criteria option or not and the reporting period – depends on how the admission is counted.
- The Admissions report measure has a monthly frequency so if the reporting period is over a month; the report displays a count per month.
- If the client has multiple accepted referrals for the same team within a month, the client is counted once.
- If the client has multiple accepted referrals for different teams (regardless of team code) within a month, and the reports parameter includes all the different teams that the client has an accepted referral for and Split by team code is not selected – the client is counted once, and shows once on the drill through. The drill through only displays the client once and that’s for the first accepted referral during that reporting measure (e.g. month).
- If the client has multiple accepted referrals for different team codes within a month, and the reports parameter includes all the different teams that the client has an accepted referral for, and Split by team code is selected – the client is counted once per team code, and displays on each team codes drill through.
- If the client has multiple accepted referrals for the same team, during different months and the reporting period is for longer than a month – the client will be counted once for each month that they have an accepted referral
Measure: Available Beds
Frequency: Monthly
MOH Description
The total number of resourced beds usually available in the facility.
NB: This is usually the number of beds funded/resourced and does not mean that the bed is unoccupied.
Recordbase description
This is the sum of the capacity column for included teams
Measures and details
- Available beds are identified in Recordbase by the capacity field in the team screen. This is under Organisation Setup, Team Configurations, and then the Contract for the team.
- The cluster reports calculate the capacity as at the time the last snapshot of Elite data was taken. If the capacity changes during the reporting period – the cluster report calculates on the current capacity that was saved when the latest Elite snapshot was created.
- If the team has an end date before or a start date after the reporting period it is not included in the calculation.
- If more than one team is selected, available beds for each team are summed to show the summary total.
- Capacity is displayed in the drill through reports as number of beds.
- Quarterly periods are displayed as Jan - Mar, April - Jun, Jul - Sep, Oct - Dec, regardless of which date range has been entered.
- If the start date of the report is 16th march and end date 31st July, the report will only capture, client discharges within this date range, but the report will display
- Average length of stay Jan to Mar 2011
- Average length of stay Apr to Jun 2011
- Team start and end dates will be displayed in the drill through reports, where there is no end date the drill through reports shows no value.
Measure: Available Bed Days
Frequency: Monthly
MOH Description
Total number of inpatient beds that are available to be occupied during the period multiplied by the number of days they are available during that period. This would normally be the number of available beds from above multiplied by the number of days in the period. Example: Number of resourced beds x Number of days in the period.
Recordbase description
This is the sum of the capacity column for included teams multiplied by the number of days in the period.
Measures and details
- Recordbase calculates the available bed days as Number of days for the quarter for a team multiplied by Number of beds (team capacity)
- The Number of days for the quarter for a team is calculated from the reporting periods start date to the end date, including the end date, for the days the team is active. The date that a team is end dated is never included in the calculation, because the team has not been active at midnight on that day
- If the team has a start or end date during the reporting period the days are calculated according to this, with the team end date excluded
- If the team has a start or end date during the reporting period the days are calculated according to this, with the team end date excluded
Measure: Average Length of Stay
Frequency: Monthly
The Quarterly reports cover the following periods: Jan - Mar, April - Jun, Jul - Sep, Oct - Dec, regardless of the date range entered.
MOH Description
Community Services - The average number of days between first contact and final contact for all people ‘discharged’ from the service during the period. Where this cannot be measured, record ‘not measured’.
This is calculated as the sum of the total number of calendar days for each client between first contact/admission and final contact/discharge during the reporting period, divided by the total number of clients who have been ‘discharged’ during the reporting period.
Each day should be counted even if the service was unavailable eg, public holidays and weekends. The first and last day should be counted.Example: Two clients are discharged, one after 22 days and one after 87 days. Add the days together and then divide by the number of clients discharged – this gives you the average length of stay. 22 + 87 = 109 (days in service) ¸ 2 (clients discharged) = 54.5 days
The average length of stay (ALOS) for clients who have had an inpatient or community discharge within the reporting period. Discharge = last activity end date of the referral. Admission = first activity start date within the referral whether it is in the reporting period or not.
Recordbase description
This is an average of the time in days between the first activity and the discharge date for all clients that have been discharged in the reporting period. If a client is accepted and discharged on the same day, they will count as 0.
Measures and details
- The Client has to have a discharged date during the reporting period.
- The Average length of stay is calculated using the first activity and the referral discharge date.
- Clients are not counted in the summary report if they have a discharge date within the reporting period but have no activities.
- Clients are counted in the sub reports if they have a discharge date within the reporting period but have no activities.
- If a client has a discharge date without any activity in the sub report the Client is displayed without a value in the average length of days.
- If a client has a discharge date and has their first activity on the same date the average length of stay is zero days.
- If a client has been discharged and they have an activity and a discharge date that is a date after the first activity the average length of days is discharge date minus first activity for the first activity that is associated with the discharged referral date.
- If a client has a discharge and they have their first activity for that discharged referral after the discharge date then they have 0 average days, activities after the first day of discharge are not counted.
- The calculation for client length of stay in number of days is the first activity start date to the discharge date.
- The Calculation for the average length of stay is the total number of days of each individual client’s length of stay, divided by the total number of clients and calculated to 1 decimal place. Clients with a null value for length of stay are not included in the calculation but displayed in the sub reports. Clients with a 0 value for length of stay are included in the calculation and displayed in the sub reports.