The Search function allows you to find a Recordbase User account.
- In the text box, type the text you are looking for - this can be the first name, last name, username or email address. It will search on part or all of one of these
- Click Go
- Any results found, will be displayed in the grid on the right-hand side of the Users screen
A tree view allows you to browse users by categories. There are three available categories outlined below. Disabled user accounts are included in all categories.
All Users
This category lists all Recordbase users set up for your organisation in the user grid on the right-hand side of the screen. The number is the count of all users on the system.
By Role
This category lists all roles that are set up for your organisation. Click the + to expand the list and view all roles or click - to hide the detail. To see all users within a role, simply click the role name and all Recordbase users assigned to that role are displayed in the user grid on the right-hand side of the screen. The number in brackets is the number of users in that role.
By account status
The account status category lists active (for both standard and Elite licenses), inactive and locked users, with a count of the number of users in each category.
Reports to me
Active (for both standard and Elite licenses), inactive and locked users that have the currently logged-in user as their �Reports to�.
The User Grid
The User grid displays all users or if you used the Browse panel will apply the relevant filter. The column heading clearly indicates the data represented in each column.
An icon, displayed to the left-hand side of the Name, indicates whether an account is online (green dot), disabled (red dot) or locked (a padlock). Click anywhere on the user's name, username or email address to view the User Account Details screen.
New button
Provides access to the new user wizard so that you can create new user accounts. See Create a Recordbase user section below