Statement of Outcomes Report Measures Criteria

The selection criteria for this report include a list of teams (grouped by contract) and a date range. The team list is limited to employment teams only. Any measure that specifies �during the period �will include data that occurred at any stage between the start date and the end date. If the measure specifies �as at the end of the period� then data will only be included if it occurred (or was in a given state) on the end date specified. The reporting period is inclusive. So for example the period 1 July 2011 to 31 July 2011 includes all data from midnight on 1st of July 2011 to 11:59:59 pm on 31st of July 2011.

All measure categories are displayed on the report, so if a category has no data it will show with a value of 0.

Drill-through reports are available for all measures. When you click on any of the text it will take you to a drill-through report showing the data that made up the number.

Support Plans are not included in this report.

Report sections