Add permissions to a role

  • Click on Edit permissions

  • The permission screen now displays. This screen is split into four sections, People management, Incident management, Account Management, Administration.
  • When a Personal details permission has No Access for a Referral status � every permission for that Referral status is set at No Access and the picklists cannot be selected.

  • When Personal details permissions are either Read-only or Read|Edit the other open, recently discharged and closed referral permissions can be selected.
    In People management the first 17 permissions are split into the three client Referral status permissions: Open referrals, Recently discharged referrals and Closed Referrals.

    Within these referral statuses there are the permissions options Read|Edit|Create|Delete|Admin, not every permission has the full range of options.

    Recently discharged and closed referrals are calculated by the recently discharged period for the individual client's referral team(s). This is typically set to 30 days but may be different for the team(s) within your organisation.

    By splitting the permission options across the different referral statuses, organisations can customise user access depending on what referral state the individual client is in. Recently declined referral � this does not have its own individual permission option in the role screen.

    Recently declined referral status period is calculated the same as the recently discharged � it is a Client with a pending or waitlisted referral status that has been declined (end dated), and is within the recently discharged period for the Team that they have been declined from, however, the Closed referral permission is required to view this referral status.

  • Recordbases configuration for your organisation will dictate what permissions the role screen has available. For example - if MyRecord is not part of your organisation's configuration, then its associated permission will not be available for selection.


  • Within the Administration permissions, Customise interface, Customise reports and Organisation setup are read-only.


  • When all of the required permission levels have been selected click on the Save button...