The Extracts screen

The Extracts menu will display a list of extracts that have been created and their current status. From here you can view the individual extracts.

If your organisation has set up multiple companies then you will have a drop-down box at the top left of the screen where you can choose the company and only extracts for the chosen company will display.

The extracts screen consists of two panels:

PRIMHD extract for DHB teams panel

This panel allows you to view the extract that has been sent to PRIMHD. The extract is in a compressed file format, e.g. *zip file. If you wish to view the file, you need to extract the files in order to view them.

Please note: the extract files are created in a .xml format which complies with the format required for uploading of PRIMHD extracts and is therefore not in a format that is easily readable.

  • Select extract from the administration menu
  • View the required extract based on the date
  • Select the download file button
  • Select Save from the displayed dialogue box
  • Save the file into the desired location
  • Open the file from the location specified, to view it
  • The displayed file will show the data that was sent to PRIMHD

Acknowledgement panel

This panel contains the file which has been received from PRIMHD; the errors which require correction. You can download and view the file, however, the acknowledgement files are in .xml format and are therefore not in a format that is easily readable.

  • Select Extract from the administration menu
  • View the required extract based on the date
  • Select the download file button from the acknowledgement widget
  • Select save from the displayed dialogue box and save the file into the desired location
  • Open the file from the location specified to view it

Opening the PRIMHD extract errors file

  • Select Extract from the administration menu
  • View the required extract based on the date
  • Select download errors button from the Acknowledgement widget
  • Select save from the displayed dialogue box and save the file into the desired location
  • Open the file from the location specified to view it in Excel

The spreadsheet lists all errors which require correction by your organisation and what you need to do to correct the error. Alongside the description is the NHI number concerned, so you will need to make a note of the NHI number and error and in Recordbase locate the NHI number and correct the error as required.

Remember that the error indicates a difference between the information in Recordbase and the information held within the Ministry of Health system; therefore either system could be wrong. You will need to review the data and may need to contact the Ministry for them to update their system if you know the details in Recordbase are correct.

Once the errors have been corrected, click mark as processed at the top of the screen. Marking the file as processed changes the status of the file from Acknowledgement Uploaded to Acknowledgement processed. Clicking mark as not processed will change the status from Acknowledgement processed to Acknowledgement Uploaded. This status is purely used for your information.

Note that any errors that aren't corrected will appear every time the extract is run, until such time they are corrected.