An Administrator needs to be familiar with the rules of user and team security and the impact of Recordbase configuration when creating Roles for their organisation.
Access to Recordbase functionality and client data is a combination of user setup, team access, how Recordbase has been configured for an organisation, as well as Roles and their associated permissions.
A Role is a way to group permissions to enable them to be associated with a user. The permissions a role has can dictate the users access to functionality depending on the options given.
Individual role permissions do not always equate to access to one screen. Some items may give access to a screen or a group of screens, example Activities permission gives the role access to (Client) Activities and (User) Calendar screens, whereas Risks permission is only associated with the (Client) Risk screen. For further information regarding permissions see Appendix A and B at the end of this document. This provides an overview of the individual role permissions and they are important to understand before making changes in this area.
The idea behind roles is to simplify permission administration by grouping users with similar job roles to a Recordbase role. This means that creating and moving users becomes easier than have to administer specific permission per user. Creating too many roles will create an administration overhead.