Create a referral task template

A referral task can be created for each client referral status and is customised to individual teams. Once you have created the template for the status please send a request to the Wild Bamboo support team to request the template to be associated with a specific team in your organisation.

  • Select the Administration menu located at the top left of the Recordbase home page
  • Select Site settings from the displayed menu
  • Select Referral task template from the displayed Site Settings window
  • Select New
  • Enter the task process name and a brief description
  • Select Save
  • From within the new task template select the required associated referral status in the tasks tab.
  • Select Add
  • Populate at least all mandatory fields
  • Select Save
  • Once all Referral tasks have been completed please contact the Wild Bamboo Support team and ask them to associate the task process name to a specific team.