Allocated hours

Recordbase can be configured to track allocated hours for teams configured for this function. To enable this functionality for a team, please contact the Wild Bamboo support team. The instructions below assume that you have at least one team configured for this functionality.

Allocated hours works on the principle that each service user in a team is allocated a number of hours per reporting period. As activities are recorded against that service user, we can track and report on the progress towards the completion of the hours allocated to that person.

Extensive and detailed reporting is provided, as well as the ability to send that report via email to funders.

Once configured (at a per-team level), clicking on that team will enable an extra button in the referral list - �Allocated support hours�. Click on that button to enter and report on the allocated support hours for the selected team.


Click on the �Allocated support hours� button to be taken to the Planned hours screen.


You can switch between editing the planned hours for a team or viewing its reporting by clicking on the Planned hours or reporting links at the top of the screen.

All teams that have been configured for allocated hours can be selected from the dropdown list.

Selecting a reporting period will open the allocated hours detail for that team.