Allocated hours detail

Once you have selected a team and a Reporting period, the Planned hours screen expands to allow you to allocate the hours to every service user that has an active referral into the selected team for the selected reporting period.

This screen is divided into two sections.


Set planned hours

Click on the service user to select the service user to allocate the hours to.

Use the Hours per week dropdown to specify the hours that have been allocated to the selected service user.

Enter the Effective from date to specify when the specified hours apply from. Note that this dropdown allows you to specify any date � Recordbase will automatically assign the hours correctly to the reporting period that corresponds to the specified date.

Click the save button to save the allocated hours entry for the selected service user.

Planned hours list

Under the set planned hours section is a list of all service users with an active referral in the selected team for the reporting period specified in the dropdown at the top of the screen.

Change the Reporting period dropdown to see planned hours for service users corresponding to the reporting period.

Each service user has a �>� icon next to their name, indicating that more information is available. Click on the icon next to a service user to see a list of all their hours allocations.


If you have the correct permissions you may be able to delete allocations directly from this list, using the �Delete� button.