Click on the �Reporting� link at the top of the allocated hours screen to access the reporting functionality for allocated hours.
When clicked, you are taken to the allocated hours reporting overview. At the top of the screen is a dropdown where you can select the team on which to report. This screen is divided into two sections.
Last 20 reporting periods
At the top of the allocated hours reporting screen is a visual representation of the previous 20 reporting periods, plotting planned hours against actual hours. The closer the lines are on the graph for a particular reporting period, the closer you were to achieving a match to the hours allocated.
Point to a dot on the graph and you will get an overview of the allocated vs. actual for the selected reporting period.
Underneath the graph is a list of all previous reporting periods, with a summary of the hours per period (planned, delivered and variation) for that period, and the status of the report (Pending or Submitted). Click on one of the reporting periods to either view a previously submitted report, or to edit and submit a new one.
Only one report can be submitted per reporting period, and once submitted (and therefore emailed), the report cannot be edited nor resubmitted.
At the top of the screen is two buttons that only appear if the report has not been submitted.
Regenerate report
If there have been any changes to the hours recorded or allocated to the selected team, you must remember to click on the regenerate report button. This will recalculate all the data in the reporting screen.
Submit report
Clicking this button will lock the report so it cannot be edited any further, and then email the report to the email address specified when the allocated hours functionality was setup for this team. Once clicked and confirmed, it is not possible to undo � the email will be sent immediately.
The reporting screen for a reported period is divided into several sections. It captures the statistical information for each service user, and for the team as a whole, and also gives the opportunity for staff and managers to enter narrative. All narrative entered and saved is stored with the report and is sent when the report is submitted.
Report summary
This section gives an overview of the report � when it was generated and what dates the report corresponds to.
This section provides a utilisation overview for the selected team.
Missing planned hours
If any service users have not had an allocation of hours and have had hours recorded against them (via activities), then they will appear in this list. These service-users must have hours allocated to them in order to be able to submit the report.
Variation narratives
Every service user in the selected team who has had any variation in the hours of care received vs. the hours allocated will appear in the variation narratives section.
Next to each service user is a summary of the hours delivered and the hours allocated, and also a text-box �Reason� where you can enter the reason for the variation. Click on the save button to save the reason into the report.
Service user hours
This section provides a summary of how the hours recorded for each service-user are broken down and includes attendance, DNA (Did Not Attend), Travel, Other and the total hours for each of the listed service users for the specified reporting period.
Team coach narrative
Team coaches or managers can enter a narrative here which will be sent with the report when submitted. Click save to store the narrative with the report.
Staff hours
A summary of hours at the staff member level is listed here.
Staff Narratives
This section can be used to enter specific notes related to an individual staff member for the reporting period.