Recordbase version 5.35 - What's New!

Wild Bamboo is proud to announce the release of�Recordbase�5.35.

This release includes�the ability to�configure�your activity templates to enforce specific linked items�and�capture address history. On top�of these features, we have also introduced a new look that improves the navigational experience of�Recordbase� and it just looks better!�

All�this work, both the new features and the enhancements to existing features, came about because you asked us for it � so�thank you for the guidance! As always,�we�re�keen to hear feedback on this work (what�s great, what�s not, what would make it better?) and any ideas you have for further improvements and developments.�Recordbase�is your system�after all, so�tell us�what you need it to do.

As with all�Recordbase�releases, this upgrade is free of charge. You will be upgraded automatically by the Wild Bamboo team, which will require a small out-of-hours outage.�We�ll�give you plenty of notice in advance. If you have any questions about this or any other�Recordbase�release, please contact our support team:�


To everyone who gave us feedback and suggested ideas for improvements � thank you!�Here�s�what you�told us�you wanted, and here�s what we did about it.�

A new Look�for�Recordbase

Recordbase has always had tabs across the top for the top-level screens, and a menu down the side when you open a client. We�ve changed that, and it not only gives you more usable space on the screen, but it also makes things consistent across all of Recordbase.


With the new look, comes a much more responsive design. What this means is that you will soon have a much better experience using�Recordbase�on a mobile device. We know�at the moment�it's not much fun, the menu takes up half the screen which means constant scrolling! We think the simple improvements that come along with our refreshed design are going to help a lot with this.

Depending on your screen size, the menu will now disappear. But don�t worry you will notice that there is a familiar "hamburger" button (top left) that has appeared that will let you see the menu again - but only when you need it!


Moving to a vertical menu�gives us�much more space�and this has allowed us to make more options available at this level.�For those of you that use group activities, you can now find them in the menu, allowing the list to be less cramped and it will be a much-improved experience on a smaller screen.


Users and Roles have been combined into a single menu�for managing user access. A�Settings menu�will display for all users and�gives you access to manage your account and�depending on your permissions,�you can find�all the administrative screens you are used to.�


We have also changed the way new screens open in Recordbase. Previously clicking on a client would cause a new window to pop up, now in Recordbase 5.35, we make use of the modern browser and have things open in tabs. This makes the experience of using Recordbase in line with everything else you do in the browser, so it should be familiar to you. It also makes it easier to see what you have open � windows can easily be hidden behind other windows, whereas tabs in the browser are easily visible at all times.��


Wish you could see a client�s goals while writing a note?

Another nice feature that comes with the new design, is the ability to open client information across multiple tabs in the browser. Because of the way we have changed the navigation structure in Recordbase, it allows you to use standard web browser functionality to open links however you want. This means you could have a client open ready to write a note, and decide to have a look at their goal for context. Currently, if you wanted to do that, you would lose your note - now you can see them side-by-side.


Configure activity templates to enforce specific linked items

Many teams have complicated reporting that relies on both activity configuration and linking work to plans or purchase orders�so that reporting works correctly. We want to give you more control and let you enforce your�business process to ensure good data entry practices. This starts with configuring your activity templates to enforce specific linked items - this means you can set what is required at a team level.


If you are interested in�enforcing linked items in activities, get in touch with the team at��and we can help you to decide on the right options for your organisation.

Address history

You always could add addresses in�Recordbase, but what happens when a person moves to a new house? You have had to choose between leaving the old address present � making it hard to know the current address � or removing it entirely. Some of you have asked to be able to handle a historical address and now in�Recordbase�5.35; addresses can have a start and end date. We are not making these fields compulsory, so do not panic about knowing precise dates. If you do want to archive off an old address (but you do not want to lose the history), you can set the end date; the address changed to a historical state. ?

The address widget has had a bit of a makeover. You can easily see all addresses (including historical ones) by clicking the view button.


The�address widget has had a bit of a makeover and�you�can�easily�see all addresses (including historic ones) by clicking the view button.

By Caseworker�numbers

In the last release, we changed�some of the navigational controls used in�Recordbase.�While we introduced a newer and shinier control, in the process we removed some functionality that many of you loved���client numbers on the �By Case Worker��selection control.�

We have heard your�feedback and�have made some more changes. We are pleased to announce that in 5.35 these client numbers are back.

Appendix II � Bug fixes�

As always, please contact the team at Wild Bamboo if you discover a bug in�Recordbase�(no matter how small the issue may appear) so we can fix it. Thanks to your keen eyes and our devoted testers,�Recordbase�5.35�also includes the following bug fixes:�

  • Creating a�new user now gives a more informative message when the user already exists.
  • People only appear once in the �all people� view�of Allocated support hours.
  • Purchase orders now allow you to select the referral date�as the purchase order start date.
  • Disabled users no longer show in the caseworker list.
  • By Caseworker tree-view now shows�the number of clients next to the caseworker name

Appendix III�� Browser versions and devices

Wild Bamboo strives to support the platforms you�use,�but,�maintaining backward compatibility with legacy browsers would mean severely limiting the future improvements we can make in�Recordbase.�

We recommend�keeping devices on the latest version and�changing to�supported browsers�such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari�- not just because�Recordbase�will perform better, but because almost any web app will. Plus, as with most technology, browser security advances in leaps and bounds practically every day - using a modern browser will keep you and your data safer.�

Please see the full list of our supported platforms on our website.