Recordbase version 5.36 - What's New!

Wild Bamboo is proud to announce the release of Recordbase 5.36.

This release includes an update to keep PRIMHD teams compliant, an improvement in our handling of rich text and better support for outcome tool charting. On top of these features, we have also introduced a new way of running reports.

All this work, both the new features and the enhancements to existing features, came about because you asked us for it � so thank you for the guidance! As always, we�re keen to hear feedback on this work (what�s great, what�s not, what would make it better?) and any ideas you have for further improvements and developments. Recordbase is your system after all, so tell us what you need it to do.

As with all Recordbase releases, this upgrade is free of charge. You will be upgraded automatically by the Wild Bamboo team, which will require a small out-of-hours outage. We�ll give you plenty of notice in advance. If you have any questions about this or any other Recordbase release, please contact our support team:

Enhancements in 5.36

To everyone who gave us feedback and suggested ideas for improvements � thank you! Here�s what you told us you wanted, and here�s what we did about it.

Capture family / wh?nau involvement in activities for PRIMHD

Recordbase has always taken care of your PRIMHD reporting. We make sure to keep things updated so you can remain compliant. In this release, we are extending the functionality of activities in Recordbase. You will now be able to set up your activity templates to include a Yes/No field within activities to record if family/wh?nau were involved.


Don't worry about all the existing templates you already have � we have already thought of that! As part of the release, we will automatically add the new field to all templates configured for PRIMHD teams. After this update has gone out, you will see the new field in the "Who was involved" section asking you if there was any family/wh?nau involvement. This will be a required field for PRIMHD teams.

For group activities, you will be able to specify wh?nau involvement at an individual level. In the same place where you add an individual note, you can now specify wh?nau involvement.


To make sure that you can report on the use of this new field, we have added it to some of the activity reports in Elite. It will now appear as a selectable column for the Person Activity Summary, Person Activity Details and Activity by Attendee reports.

Why is this happening?

The Ministry of Health is making a change to the way we nationally report activities. They have identified that family/wh?nau involvement is an important factor in a person�s journey to wellness. While there are already some codes that reflect family / wh?nau involvement, they do not adequately cover all the cases that can occur. To make sure that they are not missing out on this valuable information, a new data point is being added to the collection.

From 1 July 2021, the PRIMHD process will require all activities to specify family/wh?nau involvement.

For the specific details of this change, download the official Ministry of Health notification here:

What about non-PRIMHD teams?

Although this new family / wh?nau field has been designed to meet mandatory PRIMHD reporting, it can be added to any existing activity templates regardless of contract type. We won�t be automatically adding this field to existing activity templates for non-PRIMHD teams as part of your upgrade, but we�re happy to enable it by request. Just get in touch with the support team at with a list of any templates on which you would like family/wh?nau involvement enabled, and we�ll turn it on for you.

Reporting enhancements

There are many different reasons to run a report, and the best way to view the information may change depending on your purpose. If you want to analyse information, then Excel is often the best option; on the other hand, if you just need a quick check of some numbers, seeing the information on-screen may be faster. In this release, we have made some changes to how reports are displayed on-screen and exported.

Run reports faster

The Run report button displays the report information on-screen within Recordbase. The technology behind this button was getting a little old, which at times resulted in long load times. We know you have better things to do than wait for slow reports, so we have streamlined the way Recordbase produces report details on the screen, dramatically improving the speed of loading reports.

This means a few changes in the way that some people reports are displayed (for example, the Agebands report shown below). Previously, when a report returned too much information for one screen, Recordbase would split the report into pages and you would have to click through the data, one page at a time. Now, Recordbase will return all the data onto the screen, and you can use scrollbars to see everything.


We have also removed the option to export to either PDF or Word.

Export more data

The Export data button has been around on Elite reports for a long time, and we know many of you love to get the data and manipulate things yourself. Previously the Export data button exported data into a legacy .xls file, which has a row limit of 65,536. You told us that sometimes, especially when running reports for long time periods across many teams, you were running into this limit � so now Recordbase will export to a modern .xlsx file that can hold 1,048,576 rows.

While we were at it, we added the export option to many reports that previously did not have this option. You�ll see this Export data button that downloads a .xlsx file of the report contents alongside the Run report button that displays the report data on-screen within Recordbase.

Improved charting for outcome tools

For several years, Recordbase has been a Licensed Software Collaborator with Triangle and approved electronic versions of several Outcomes StarsTM have been available as outcome tools within Recordbase, complete with coloured Star charts and comparison charting. In the past, adding new Stars has required a full Recordbase release, which could mean a bit of a wait for customers who were keen to start working with a new Star. In Recordbase 5.36, we�ve revamped the way Outcomes StarTM charts are produced so that we can configure new Stars outside of the regular Recordbase release cycle.

As a reminder, these are the Outcomes StarsTM currently available in Recordbase:

  • Empowerment StarTM
  • Homelessness StarTM
  • Recovery StarTM (3rd edition)

And these Stars will be ready soon:

  • Change StarTM
  • My StarTM
  • Tenancy StarTM
  • Recovery StarTM (4th edition)

To find out more about the suite of Outcomes StarTM tools, visit the Triangle website here, or read about one Recordbase customer�s use of the Outcomes StarTM Empowerment StarTM here.

Appendix I � Minor changes

As part of the continuous improvement process of the Recordbase system, we�ve made the following notable bug fixes and minor enhancements:

In addition to the �big-ticket� items, Recordbase 5.36 also includes the following minor enhancements and new items:

  • Allocated hours have been moved to its own top-level menu.
  • The rich text control has been updated with improved handling of text, which means formatting behaves how you would expect.
  • In the By Caseworker report you can now add a �Primary Caseworker� column.
  • The Recordbase User License Snapshot Report now includes a �Last Signed On Date� column.

Appendix II � Bug fixes

As always, please contact the team at Wild Bamboo if you discover a bug in Recordbase (no matter how small the issue may appear) so we can fix it. Thanks to your keen eyes and our devoted testers, Recordbase 5.36 also includes the following bug fixes:

  • Referral wizard now links through to the updated person page.
  • Caregiver summary links will now correctly open the foster child.
  • Elite incident report has been tuned to improve the security evaluation performance.
  • Shift + Enter can now be used in a note.

Appendix III � Browser versions and devices

Wild Bamboo strives to support the platforms you use, but maintaining backward compatibility with legacy browsers would mean severely limiting the future improvements we can make in Recordbase.

We recommend keeping devices on the latest version and changing to supported browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari - not just because Recordbase will perform better, but because almost any web app will. Plus, as with most technology, browser security advances in leaps and bounds practically every day - using a modern browser will keep you and your data safer.

Please see the full list of our supported platforms on our website.