This release enhances daily care events to allow you to collect broader health metrics and track changes over time. We also introduce a new Tikanga Māori section on the person record to provide an improved collection of iwi affiliation.
Along with these improvements, this release includes an update to the collection of travel time, changes to the PCOMs outcome tool and a few other minor changes.
Health metrics
Recordbase lets you easily collect information about regular events that are part of a person's daily care. Traditionally, this has been to track the basic support of things such as showering, meals and medication along with the specific health metrics weight and blood pressure.
In this release, you can now collect a wide range of health metrics as well as ensure data quality is maintained through improved data validation. We have extended the collection of blood pressure to improve the accuracy of the data collected and provided a means to configure your own set of metrics.
We have also given the list screen a small upgrade to accommodate the new values you can now collect.
Creating or modifying a daily care event looks largely the same, with the main difference occurring when you select a health metric from the list of types. Health metrics allow you to record any specific values and in the case of blood pressure, we have separated these into two parts.
You can still collect daily care events along with health metrics.
Adding new event types
Health metrics represent the collection of a numerical value that you want to track, and you can easily add your own metric. A new section has been added to the setting menu in Recordbase for you to manage "Health event types". This includes types for both the new health metrics and existing "Daily care events".
You can set the unit for the measure and even extend a metric to encompass multiple parts just like with blood pressure.
Tracking and visualising
While it is useful to record information about a person's health, it is important we can easily see how things are tracking. Recordbase provides easy access to a visualisation that displays how the recorded metrics have changed over time. You can select the View Health Charts option on the daily care events list screen to see this.
Health metrics insights will show you a visualisation for each metric you have collected. Up to the 10 most recent values will be included.
It is important to note that only health metrics that required the entry of a number will be available for this visualisation.
Iwi affiliation
One of the initiatives we have been working on this year is to provide a better experience for te ao M?ori in Recordbase. This journey has only just started, but we are happy to announce that this release introduces an improved collection of iwi affiliation.
As we started working on this addition, we quickly realised the potential to extend the scope of the work beyond only iwi affiliation. Through discussion with some of you, we see this as an opportunity for kaimahi to connect with tāngata to help foster conversations about these important aspects of identity.
For this purpose we have added a new section to Recordbase " Tikanga Māori" to the Person details screen.
Recording iwi affiliation
We wanted to make it as intuitive as possible to record iwi affiliation and have added a simple method to record a person's iwi. We have also included options to indicate if a person does not know their iwi, and alternatively if they would like help connecting.
You can add as many iwi as is required, and the form will let you search the list to quickly find the correct entry.
We also link the iwi to a region, and in cases where more than one is possible present the option to select the appropriate one.
Along with the ability to collect iwi affiliation, you can also capture details about the person's Marae, Whānau name and their Pepeha.
We see this as only the start, and know there is more we can do. If you would like to be involved with future development in this space, please contact the product team and we will get in touch.
My Clients / caseload
Earlier this year we refreshed the Recordbase dashboard and improved the caseload summary view. In order to make this as relevant as possible we limited the list of people displayed to only those linked to a referral. While this works for some of you, we have heard cases where it has been overly restrictive and we have now addressed this.
In this release we have made things more flexible and you can now choose how you want your caseload filtered.
You can show every person that you have been assigned to, or limit the list by referral or alternatively only show people you are the primary worker for.
Activity travel duration
Recordbase makes it easy to record travel as part of an activity. By configuring an activity template to include travel, workers can easily enter the time and distance travelled when delivering support.
Recordbase has always presented the time selection for travel as a list of 1 minute increments. This is fine if you only ever travel for short times, but those of you that have longer journeys, this a more onerous task. To resolve this, we have introduced an option for you to configure the way travel time is displayed.
We have chosen to implement a graduated scale for travel time and will always present the first 5 minutes as 1 minute intervals. The next 55 minutes (up to one hour) will be in 5 minute intervals, and after that it will switch to an increment value that can be configured in Recordbase.
Along with the change to the travel time increment, we have also changed the way the list displays time to be more intuitive. Once the time being presented is more than 59 minutes, we switch the display to include hours and minutes.
PCOMs graph improvements
Recordbase has supported the collection of PCOMs through ORS and SRS outcome tools for a while now. As part of enhancing the use of this tool, Recordbase provides a graph showing progress over time.
In this release, we have updated the PCOMs graph to display the graph in colour which makes it easier to see when things are off track. In addition to this, we have introduced an "at risk" zone on the graph.
The At risk zone on the graph is used to indicate when things are potentially going off track and may be at risk of a negative outcome.
You can find out more about PCOMs here Better Outcomes Now Resources & Educational Content
Appendix I - Minor changes
As part of the continuous improvement process of the Recordbase system, we've made the following notable bug fixes and minor enhancements:
- Goal templates correctly maintain formatting
- Goal templates allow you to specify a goal category
- The task list correctly includes medication tasks for users based on their access
- Elite incident reports now display incident categories in a consistent way
- Awhi Ora extract now available in Elite
- Notes handover report now correctly filters group activities
Wild Bamboo strives to support the platforms you use, but maintaining backward compatibility with legacy browsers would mean severely limiting the future improvements we can make in Recordbase.
We recommend keeping devices on the latest version and changing to supported browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari - not just because Recordbase will perform better, but because almost any web app will. Plus, as with most technology, browser security advances in leaps and bounds practically every day - using a modern browser will keep you and your data safer.
Please see the full list of our supported platforms on our website.