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What's new in Recordbase: November 2024

This release includes bulk adding users to a team, pre-formatted notes for activity templates, contacts address search, employment outcomes improvements and goal plan printing.

Assigning access to a team 

For staff to work with the people they support in Recordbase, they need to be given access to the Team the person has been referred to. While you can do this through the Users and Roles, by opening individual user records, this can be time consuming when working with multiple users. Having to change permissions one-by-one can be frustrating and time consuming when you set up a new team. 

In the new release of Recordbase, we have made it possible to add several users to a team at once. The Add Users function is located on the team view screen, so you will need access to Team Configuration to allow you to add users in bulk. 

When you click Add Users, you can quickly add multiple users to have access to the team you are viewing. A list of active users will be grouped and sorted alphabetically so you can easily find the people needing access.  

To make things simpler, we have added a filter that allows quick searching to find the users you are looking for. 

Pre-formatted notes for activities 

Activity templates have existing functionality that allows for specifying default text. This feature allows you to prompt your users to enter information in a particular format/structure. In this release, we have upgraded this feature to allow formatting and provide more structure when an activity note is created and displayed.  

Now when you are creating or editing an activity template in Activity Configuration, you will see that the Default value is presented as rich-text and the format that is entered will be preserved whenever a new activity is created from the template. 

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If this is something you are interested in or would like to hear more about, please contact the support team at support@wildbamboo.co.nz.  

Contacts address search 

Making use of an address lookup service helps contribute to good quality address data, both making it easier to collect and ensuring a common level of detail. In a previous release, we made use of Google Address Lookup to improve the collection of the address data of the people you support. 

In this release, we extend that same address lookup to contacts.  

A new Search box has been added to the Contact add and edit screen. Entering text into this box will initiate a search and you will be presented by a list of possible addresses that will be continually refined as you continue typing. 

When you select an address, the details will appear in the Address field and include the street, suburb, city, country and postcode. 

Employment outcomes improvement 

Currently when an outcome (job) is added to an employment plan, the user can manually specify the industry. This leads to cases where the industry for the job is different from the industry of the linked account and can make reporting a challenge. To make this distinction clearer, we have updated the Employment Outcome screen to include the account industry next to the name of the employer.  

In a similar vein, the setting for self-employment was being overused and did not tie back to a useable industry. To make things clearer and promote better data quality, we have removed the self-employed option. 

Goal plan printing 

The current Goal Plan report from the Reports menu defaults to printing all goals of the status selected. To allow you to print a single goal, we have added a Print button to the main goal screen, which will only print the details for that goal. 

The print button will be displayed as long as you have a goal plan report correctly configured in Recordbase. If this is something you would like to know more about, please contact the support team at support@wildbamboo.co.nz.  

Disabled user indication 

In the previous release, a change was made to the way we present small icons to move it to a modern equivalent. After the release was rolled out we learned that some images had been missed and were no longer displaying. One of those was the indicator in the user screen to highlight which users has been disabled. 

This release rectifies this, and you will now see disabled users in lists showing with a red dot next to their name. You will notice the dot is different to the previous one, but it should still give you the same indication. 

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As part of the continuous improvement process of the Recordbase system, we have made the 
following notable bug fixes and minor enhancements: 

  • The task list now includes the name of the person the task has been assigned to
  • Personal plans can now be linked to a referral
  • Travel time can now be removed from an activity with the edit permissions and does not require delete level access
  • The Whānau involvement error link on the activity screen now points to the updated
  • The Whānau involvement error link on the activity screen now points to the updated Ministry of Health’s “Guide to PRIMHD Activity Collection and Use” document
  • Performance of the user activity log screen has been improved
  • Activity participant, other contact types can now be managed from the settings screen
  • Contact phone number can now be made mandatory
  • Presenting issue admin screens title has been fixed